1900 Palmyra Precinct, Trimble Co, KY census:
 has Trigg Garriott 28, Farmer; Lillie Garriott 21 (3 children-3 living); Henry Garriott 3; Adah Garriott 2 and D Garriott 10/12.
     1910 English, Carroll Co, KY census: has (all b. KY) Trig Garrett 37, Fireman-Railroad; Lily Garrett 31 (7 children-7 living); Henry Garrett 13; Ada Garrett 12; DR Garrett 10; Loulie Garrett 9; Roy Garrett 7; Margurett Garrett 3; and Willie Lee Garrett 3/12.
     1920 District 2, Henry Co, KY census:
 has (all b. KY) DR Garriott 31, Farmer-General Farming; Lydia Garriott 28; and Dasy B Garriott 4-2/12.

     1930 Burrows, Trimble Co, KY census: has (all b. KY) Trig H Garrett 57, Farmer-General Farm; Lillie Garrett 51; and Virginia Garrett 14 (Granddaughter).

     1940 Burrows, Trimble Co, KY census: has (all b.KY)  Trigg Garriott 59, Farmer-Farm, Lillie Garriott 62; and James Haveline 21 (Grandson). 

​​​​​​​​Garriott Family Genealogy

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06-Lillie May Garriott
Birth: 12 Sep 1878, Carroll Co, KY
Death: 3 Feb 1949- age 70
Burial: IOOF-Bedford Cemetery
Father: Henry Garrett

Marriage: 22 Jun 1895, Jefferson Co, IN: Bk E/507
(Lillie's last name was Garrett, and she was a first cousin to 'Trigg'. The judge refused to marry them unless she stated her last name was spelled Garriott) [Tonya Akers]
Spouse: Hiram Trigg GARRETT
Birth: 5 Jun 1871, Oldham Co, KY
Death: 15 Aug 1958, Louisville, Jefferson Co, KY- age 87
Burial: IOOF-Bedford Cemetery
Occupation: Farmer
Father: Joseph Milton Garrett
Mother: Mary Catherine Pennington/Singer??

    CHILDREN: Lillie and Trigg had eight children:
07----HENRY HARLAN GARRETT [b.Jun 1896, KY; d. 24 Feb 1963, Carroll Co, KY- age 66], m.
Ollie Elizabeth SMITH [b. 29 Jan 1909, KY; d. 15 Dec 1980, Carroll Co, KY- age 71], had 10 (5 listed) children:

     08----RUSSELL HENRY GARRETT [b. 28 Oct 1929, English, Carroll Co, KY; d. 2 Jul 2014, Carrollton, Carroll Co, KY- age 84]; 

     08----RICHARD GARRETT [b. 22 May 1931, KY; d. 2012- age 81];

     08----ORVILLE EARL GARRETT [b. 17 Jul 1936, Carrollton, Carroll Co, KY; d. 5 Oct 1993, Carroll Co, KY- age 57], SSN: 403-46-2812;

     08----Infant GARRETT; 


07----ADA "Addie" GARRETT [b. 1897, listed below];

07----DEA R GARRETT [b. 11 Jul 1899, Carroll Co, KY; d. 1975- age 76, bur. Sulphur Cemetery], a Farmer, m.
Lydia "Liddie" Ann McCELLAN b. 4 Oct 1900, Trimble Co, KY], daughter of JL McCELLAN and Virgie SIMPSON on 13 Aug 1921, Jefferson Co, IN: Bk 7/170, had three children:
     08----SANFORD L GARRETT [b. 18 Apr 1923, Henry Co, KY, Vol 40/19863];
     08----DAISY BELL GARRIOTT [b. 3 Feb 1926, Henry Co, KY:  Vol 16/7827]; and
     08----JESSIE E GARRETT [b. 25 May 1935, Henry Co, KY, Vol 94/46977];

07----LULA MAY GARRETT [b. 1901, listed below];
07----ROY THOMAS GARRETT [b. 1903, listed below];

07----MARGUERITE GARRETT [b. 20 Mar 1907, Henry Co, KY; d. 8 Aug 1961, Bedford, Trimble Co, KY- age 54, bur. IOOF-Bedford Cemetery], SSN: 405-26-2192, m.
Victor LITER [b. 1901, Trimble Co, KY; d. 1984- age 83, bur. IOOF-Bedford Cemetery] on 11 Nov 1922, Bedford, Trimble Co, KY: Bk 2/29, he the s/o W A & Mattie Liter, had three children:
     08----PAUL D LITER;
     08----CURTIS LITER; and
     08----BARBARA LITER, m.

07----WILLIE LEE GARRETT [b. about 1910; d. after 1989]; and

07----ALYENE ELIZABETH GARRETT [b. 1 May 1912, Carroll Co, KY, Vol 68/26958; d. 15 May 1997, Henry Co, KY- age 85, bur. Campbellsburg Masonic Cemetery], SSN: 404-56-6784/KY, m.
Richard Mervin McALISTER [b. 1907, Trimble Co, KY; d. 26 Aug 1983, Campbellsburg, Henry Co, KY- age 77], SSN: 704-10-6758/RR, on 5 Jun 1926, Milton, Trimble Co, KY: Bk 3/41, had 4 children:

     08----DALLAS WAYNE McALISTER [b. 16 Sep 1927, KY; d. 5 Oct 1927, Henry Co, KY- age 3 weeks, bur. Providence Cemetery];
     08----ESTELL McALISTER [b. 22 Apr 1929, Campbellsburg, Henry Co, KY; d. 26 Apr 1997, Carrollton, Carroll Co, KY- age 68];
     08----STERLING NEWTON McALISTER [b. 3 Feb 1934, Campbellsburg, KY; d. 5 Oct 1998, Oldham Co, KY- age 64]; and
     08----DELORIS McALISTER, m.
___ SHARP;

     1949 OBITUARY: Lillie Garrett Garriott, 70, died 3 Feb 1949, buried IOOF-Bedford, b. Carroll Co, 12 Sep 1878, d/o late Henry and Agness Wright Garrett, m. Trigg Garriott who survives with 7 of their 8 children: Henry, Willie, DR, Roy, Mrs Victor Liter, Mrs Irvin Liter, Mrs Richard McCalister. A dau Mrs Ada Heveline died several years ago. Also surv. by bro Chester Garrett, 2 sis. Mrs Roxie Chilton and Mrs Mollie Chilton, half?sis Mrs Rosie Brown.

[Trimble Democrat]

     1958 OBITUARY: H Trigg Garriott, 87, died 16 Aug 1958, burial IOOF-Bedford. He came to Trimble Co. from Oldham Co, KY, lived here most of his life. [born 5 Jun 1871, s/o Joseph and Mary Catherine Pennington Garrett] [wife, Lillie Garriott Garrett died 3 Feb 1949]. Survived by 7 ch, Mrs Allene McAllister, Mrs Irvin Liter, Mrs Victor Liter, Roy, Willie, Henry, and DR Garriott, a brother Goodlow Garriott A brother Tommie Garriott and half-bro. Jim Singer preceded him. (Note: Tombstone reads Garrett)

[Trimble Democrat]