This is an information only site... a work in progress, no fancy bells or whistles. It follows and chronicles Garriott descendants, including 03-Ambrose S Garriott and Elizabeth Blankenbaker (my direct ancestors), whose thirteen children all grew to adulthood.
MIGRATION: Ambrose and his children moved from Virginia to Kentucky after the Revolutionary War, and Ambrose eventually moved to southern Indiana. Three of Ambrose's sons remained in Kentucky and prospered there as farmers: John W, Loven, and Daniel. Four sons moved with Ambrose to Indiana, all farmers: Elijah, Jacob, William and Simeon. Elijah's family subsequently moved to and settled in Missouri, some of whom eventually moved on to Oregon and Washington state. There is scant information about Ambrose's daughters descendants..
Other Garriott's moved to Ohio, descendants of Moses Garriott, some to Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma. Other Moses descendants moved west to Wyoming and Idaho as the great depression set in and looked for work in the oil fields. A look at the social security applications will give a glimpse of these.
The Garriott name has surfaced in Baltimore, MD as far back as the 18th century, but no connection to the Virginia Garriotts is apparent, although I'm working on it.
NAVIGATION: The generations are numbered, from 01-Jonathan, grandfather of Ambrose. Descendant charts are provided to assist in following your own line. From each page you will know which descendant you are reading about. If you want to plug your grandpa's name in and expect it to pop up you will be disappointed.
EXCITING THINGS things you will find here: A
a murder of a Garriott descendant,
murder by a Garriott descendant,
one descendant was a state legislator,
one a minor league baseball player.
Several first cousins intermarried;
parents who gave away their 3 youngest children for adoption- one who went through the DAR to prove her relationship to Ambrose S Sr Garriott.
This genealogy, hopefully, provides some sense of the early days of this country, with military, pension, and court book/page numbers, some biographies. I especially wanted to honor those who have fought in our military. I have taken the liberty of using Jr and Sr prefixes when the field is packed with the names John, James, Simeon, Jacob, etc. Limited information will put them on their parent's or grandparent's page. I would be happy to insert your family information, pictures too.
RECORDS: I love courthouses. I've spend hours-- sometimes whole days-- in the Library of Congress, state courthouses, libraries, historical societies, cemeteries, even church records searching for Garriott ancestors: Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California.
These paper records of marriages, land transfers, births, etc. produce golden information. The National Archives can give up valuable information on early pension records, except for what was destroyed by the War of 1812 (including the Revolutionary War). Later military records can be found at the St Louis Military Archives. Social Security records can be procured from the archives in Baltimore- and now on
PHOTOS: There are three Garriotts in this photo. Every attempt has been made to credit those from whom each photo and document has been derived. If, for some reason, you have been overlooked with your efforts, please let me know so I can update that reference. Photos of tombstones are plentiful on and I applaud those who have so tirelessly spent their time for this valuable asset.
Garriott Family Genealogy
Welcome to my Garriott website..................