Garriott Family Genealogy
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08-William Jasper Garriott
Birth: 17 Dec 1898, Fall River, Greenwood Co, KS
Death: 18 Nov 1977, Winfield, Cowley Co, KS- age 78
Burial: Highland Cemetery
Occupation: SSN: 512-05-5909/KS
Father: Charles Jacob Garriott
Marriage:18 May 1921, Fredonia, Wilson Co, KS: Bk M/341
Spouse: Odessa Denzil "Dessie" TAGGART
Birth: 15 Aug 1902, MO
Death: 25 Feb 1984, Winfield, Cowley Co, KS- age 81
Burial: Highland Cemetery
Occupation: SSN: 511-70-0088/KS
Father: Oscar Abner Taggart (1876-1971)
Mother: Martha Anna E Banks (1875-1953)
CHILDREN: William and Odessa had a daughter:
09----DOROTHY MAE GARRIOTT [b. 26 Mar 1922, Fall River, Greenwood Co, KS: Bk 1/27; d. 5 Mar 2002- age 80], SSN: 509-18-7213/KS, m. James Henry HOPKINS [b. 26 Aug 1921; d. 2 Jul 1990- age 68, bur. Highland Cemetery], SSN: 512-14-1907/KS, son of Herbert Hopkins (1887-1954) and Mildred E Hamlin (1896-1990), on 4 Dec 1943, Kay Co, OK.
1930 Winfield, Cowley Co, KS census: has William Garret 32, b. KS, Tinner-Hardware Store; Dessa Garret 28, b. MO; and Dorothy Garret 8, b. KS.
1940 Winfield, Cowley Co, KS census: has William J Garriott 42, b. KS, Plumber Times-Sheet Metal Work; Odessa D Garriott 37, b. MO; and Dorothy M Garriott 18, b. KS.