1850 Jackson Co, IN census:
 has Phebe Perry 46, b. KY, w/ $500 RE; Zebulun Perry 22, Farmer; Thomas Perry 18, Farmer; George Perry 15; John Perry 14; William Perry 12; Sarah J Perry 8; Joseph Perry 6; and Matthew Perry 4.
    1860 Jackson Co, IN census: has (all b. IN) George Perry 26, Farmer w/ $1000 RE; Martha Perry 21; and Elzy Perry 4/12.
     Next door to George is (all b. IN) Pheba Perry 55; John Perry 24, Farmer w/ $1000 RE; Thomas Perry 28, Farmer w/ $150 RE; Joseph Perry 18, Farmer; Pheba F Perry 5, and Matthias Perry 15.
    1870 Grassy Fork Twp, Jackson Co, IN census: 
has (all but 1 b. IN) Geo W Perry 35, Farmer; Martha Perry 31, Keeps House; Eliza Perry 10; Joseph Perry 7; Sherman Perry 4; Leander Perry 2/12; and Phebe Perry 15, b. MO, Domestic Ser.
     1880 Jasper Co, IN census, Family 33:
 has (both b. IN) Albert Garriott 29, Farm Hand; and Phoebe Garriott 25, Keeping House.
     In the previous Family 32 there is James K Garriott 35, Farmer; Mary Garriott 28, wife, Keeping House; Jesse L Garriott 5, son; and Maggie Garriott 1 (daughter).
     1900 Jasper Co, IN census: has (all b. IN) Albert M Garrett 50, Farmer; Phoebe Garrett 45; James R Garrett 19, Farm Laborer; Herbert Garrett 17, Farm Laborer; Etta F Garrett 15, at School; John F Garrett 12, at School; Carrie M Garrett 9, at School; and Perry O Garrett 6.
     1910 Jasper Co, IN census: 
has (all b. IN) Albert M Garriott 60, Farmer; Phoebe Garriott 55 (6 children-6 living); Hurvy Garriott 27, Laborer; John F Garriott 22, Laborer; Carry M Garriott 19; and Perry S Garriott 16.
     1920 Jasper Co, IN census: has (all b. IN) Abert M Garriott 69, Farmer, in rented home; Phobe Garriott 66; and Perry E Garriott 25, Home-Farm work.

06-Albert Monroe Garriott
Birth: 23 Mar 1850, Jackson Co, IN
Home: Jasper Co, IN
Death: 24 Jan 1924, Pleasant Ridge, Jasper Co, IN: Bk D10/228- age 73, of liver

Burial: 27 Jan 1924, Weston Cemetery: Bk 3/88
Occupation: Farmer
Father: James Madison Garriott
[top-Albert's photo courtesy of Douglas Dale Sr Garriott]

[second-Albert and Phoebe's family, photo courtesy of Iva Blankenship]

[third-elder Phoebe and Albert, photo courtesy of Iva Blankenship]

Marriage: 25 May 1872, Jackson Co, IN: Bk F/542
1st Spouse: Elizabeth R JOHNSON
     Albert apparently caught Elizabeth in infidelities (so the story goes) in the

woods with the neighbor's hired hand and ended the marriage without issue.

No divorce documents have been uncovered.

Marriage: 4 Aug 1879, Jackson Co, IN: Bk H/193
2nd Spouse: Phoebe F PERRY
Birth: 9 Nov 1854, Jackson Co, IN
Death: 26 Dec 1929, Pleasant Ridge, Jasper Co, IN: Bk D11/36- age 75, cerebral hemorrhage
Burial: 28 Dec 1929, Weston Cemetery: Bk 3/88
Father: Thomas F Perry (1830-1861)
Mother: Rebecca Collings (or Ballard?) (1832-1861)

     CHILDREN: Albert and Phoebe had six children:
07----JAMES ROSCOE GARRIOTT [b. 1880, listed below];
07----HURBY GARRIOTT [b. 1883, listed below];
07----ETTA "GOMMY" GARRIOTT [b. 1885, listed below];
07----JOHN FRANCIS GARRIOTT [b. 1888, listed below];
07----CARRIE MAY GARRIOTT [b. 1891, listed below]; and
07----PERRY ELMER GARRIOTT [b. 1894, listed below].
[DG photo: back row- John Francis Garriott, James Roscoe Garriott, Etta Garriott, Hurby Garriott, Carrie May Garriott, front- Phoebe F Perry, Perry Elmer Garriott, Albert Monroe Garriott]

     ALBERT'S BIOGRAPHY: Albert was a farmhand or farmer most of his life, very poor and deeply religious. He was unsuccessful in several attempts to purchase a farm. He moved east of Rensselaer to Pleasant Ridge [SR 114 & 150W] in Jasper Co, IN and also farmed north of Rensselaer. He died of liver cancer. Albert's son, Perry Elmer Garriott, [according to Perry's wife Iva Blankenship] recalled, as a child, helping his father cut down trees in the forests in Jasper County to create tillable farmland. The trees, trunks, limbs, branches and all were sunk into the muck until it was possible for the land to support weight. They then farmed the land. An 1894 Atlas of Indiana shows several marshy areas in Jasper County. [website author]

     PHEOBE'S BIOGRAPHY: Pheobe Perry was a short, heavy-set woman. Her well-off parents were killed when Pheobe was a child and she inherited money. She lived with an uncle George-- who squandered her money. [Zanita Jeannette Walker] Pheobe was a third cousin to Charity O Perry, who was the mother of James Roscoe Garriott's wife, Nancy Ethel Hopkins. [Laverne Garriott] One report claims Pheobe was taken in by an unknown Edinburg, Johnson Co, IN family. She suffered from chronic asthma and bronchitis, cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. [Douglas Dale Sr Garriott]
     Phoebe Collings Perry [b. 19 Jul 1804, KY; d. 29 Dec 1862, Dudleytown, Jackson Co, IN- age 58]. She was the daughter of Zebulon (1783-1850) and Nancy (Boss) Collings. She married Matthew Perry on 4 Nov 1824 in Clark Co, IN. She was the mother of Andrew J Perry, Zebulon Perry, Nancy Ann (Perry) Collings, George W Perry, John Perry, William Perry, and Thomas Perry, mother of Phoebe F Perry.

     1864 PROBATE: [Jackson Co, IN, Order Book, Court of Common Pleas, Probate Book 2/351, 19 May 1864] George W Perry was appointed guardian of Joseph Perry, Mathew Perry, and heirs of Phebe Perry, deceased. Sale of lands: [NW4 NE4 S23 T4 R5E] (9-1/7 acres), undivided interest in [E2 NE4 S26 T4 R5E] (11-3/7 acres), for $135. Also George W Perry, guardian of Phebe Perry, minor heir of Thomas Perry, the sale of [NW4 NE_ S23 T4 R5E] (4-4/7 acres), [E2 NE4 S26 T4 R5E] (5-5/7 acres), and [E4 NE4 S26 T4 R5E] (20 acres).

     1865 PROBATE: [Jackson Co, IN, Order Book, Court of Common Pleas, Probate Book 2/456, dated 17 Jan 1865] George W Perry was appointed guardian of Joseph Perry and Mathew Perry (minor heirs of Phebe Perry, deceased), Phebe Perry (minor heir of Thomas Perry, deceased), Phebe Ann Collins, Margaret Collins and Lewis Collins (minor heirs of Nancy Collins), for the approval of Deed, and ordered the sale of lands to Andrew Perry: [NW4 NE4 S23, T4_ R5E], [SE4 NE4 & NE4 NE4 S26 T_N R5E], and [SE4 NE4 S26 T4N R5E], [SE4 N_4] & [NE4 NE4 S26 T4N R5E], [N2 NE4 S_ T4N R5E], [SE4 NE_ ] & [NE4 NE4 S26 T4N R5E] for the sum of $390.

     1865 PROBATE: [Jackson Co, IN, Order Book, Court of Common Pleas, Probate Book 2/554, dated 24 May 1865] Andrew Perry was appointed as administrator of estate of Phebe Perry with $528.66 divided among the following heirs: Andrew Perry (retained by administrator); heirs of Zebulon Perry (George L Perry and Zebulon Perry); Nancy Collins heirs (Phebe Ann Collins, Lewis Collins, and Margaret Collins); Thomas Perry's heir, viz: Phebe F Perry; and George W Perry.


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